Les travaux menés par les partenaires du projet PICS feront l'objet de plusieurs communications à la prochaine EGU General Assembly qui se tiendra à Vienne (Autriche) du 7 au 12 avril 2019.
En voici une liste:
EGU2019-14700 | Orals | HS4.1.3/NH1.32 | Thu, 11 Apr, 16:45–17:00 Room 2.25 Enhancements of the French operational flash flood warning system, Vigicrues Flash.Julie Demargne, Pierre Javelle, Didier Organde, Catherine Fouchier, Bruno Janet, and Léa Garandeau
EGU2019-15710 | Posters | NH1.5/HS11.59 | Thu, 11 Apr, 08:30–10:15 Hall X3 Evaluation of increased complexity flood inundation mapping methods in flash flood prone areas.Nabil Hocini, Eric Gaume, François Bourgin, Olivier Payrastre, Stan Nomis, Frédéric Pons, Dimitri Lague, and Philippe Davy
EGU2019-16150 | Orals | HS7.5/NH1.20 | Wed, 10 Apr, 15:15–15:30 Room 2.15 Towards real time assessment of flood risk damage : an application of the AIGA method in the south of France. Pierre Javelle, Clotilde Saint-Martin, Freddy Vinet, and Olivier Payrastre
EGU2019-15153 | Posters | HS4.1.3/NH1.32 | Thu, 11 Apr, 14:00–15:45 Hall A
Sensitivity analysis for a flood and inundation mapping forecasting modelling chain. Daniela Peredo Ramirez, Maria Helena Ramos, Vazken Andréassian, Ludovic Oudin, and Nicolas Le Moine
EGU2019-15204 | PICOs | HS4.3.1/NH1.35 | Thu, 11 Apr, 14:24–14:26 PICO spot 5b Integrated nowcasting of flash floods and related socio-economic impacts: The French ANR PICS project (2018-2021). Olivier Payrastre, François Bourgin, Olivier Caumont, Veronique Ducrocq, Eric Gaume, Bruno Janet, Pierre Javelle, Dimitri Lague, David Moncoulon, Jean-Philippe Naulin, Charles Perrin, Maria-Helena Ramos, and Isabelle Ruin and thePICS project contributors
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