The Schapi is part of the Ministry of the Ecological and Solidary Transition. It is in charge of the hydrological monitoring of the 22.700 km of river streams representing the highest flood-related risks over the French territory. It provides continuous information to both public and authorities on the forthcoming flood risks in the form of a "flood vigilance map" published on the Vigicrues website. This mission is conducted with the support of 19 local flood forecasting services which form the so-called Vigicrues network. In the last years, the SCHAPI tackled the challenge of developing a first flash-floods warning service covering small ungauged rivers: this service, called “Vigicrues flash”, is operational since march 2017. In the PICS project, the SCHAPI will bring all its experience in operational flood forecasting. The developments provided by the PICS project may also be helpful for future upgrades of the Vigicrues-flash system.
Scientific manager of the project for SCHAPI