Ifsttar is a Public Institution of Scientific and Technical Nature (EPST), under the joint supervision of the Ministry of the Ecological and Solidary Transition, and the Ministry of Higher Education & Research. It conducts applied research and expert appraisals in the fields of transport, infrastructure, natural hazards and urban issues with the aim of improving the living conditions of our fellow citizens and, more widely, promoting the sustainable development of our societies. The GERS (Geotechnical engineering, Environment and Risks) department develops part of its research in the specific field of natural hazards and risks. For more than 10 years, GERS has developed a sustained activity on the observation, study and forecasting of flash floods. It coordinated the ANR PreDiFlood (2009-2012) project on the forecasting of road submersions during flash floods, and it is currently involved in programs on observation and study of extreme floods in the European and Mediterranean regions (Hymex project, OHMCV observatory). In the PICS project Ifsttar offers its experience in the study of flash floods, and particularly in the field of integrated rainfall - runoff – inundation and impacts modelling.




Scientific manager of the project for IFSTTAR

02 40 84 57 04
IFSTTAR - Chercheur / Researcher


BOURGIN François
02 40 84 58 76
IFSTTAR - Chercheur / Researcher
02 40 84 58 84
IFSTTAR - Chercheur / Researcher
LEBOUC laurent
02 40 84 58 62
IFSTTAR - Technicien /
01 81 66 80 81
IFSTTAR - Chercheur / Researcher
IFSTTAR - Doctorant /PhD candidate